Next-Day Turn With SureShip®
Submit your order details and we’ll get it out the door the very next business day. $95 fee. Restrictions apply. See details for hardgoods.

SureShip® For Hardgoods Orders
Submit your order by midnight (EST), and we’ll get it out the door the very next business day.
Step 1
Verify your artwork is compatible with the decoration method. One decoration method only.
Color print (one color only)
Digital print
Embroidery (exact reorders up to 10,000 stitches)
Sublimation (excluding neoprene shoelaces for orders over 500 and belts)
InFusion (new or exact repeat orders)
Labeling (one color only)
Step 2
Prepare your order.
Your P.O. should include:
Indicate order is for SureShip®
P.O. number
Item number and quantity (maximum: up to fifth-column quantity)
Decoration method
Valid imprint location (refer to product information on website)
Imprint color (Pantone solid PMS number or a suggested standard color)
Valid shipping address (no P.O. boxes)
Contact name, phone number and email (including after-hours phone number)
Shipping method
Time and date order needs to be delivered
For reorders, include previous P.O. number, order number or invoice number. (For reorders from longer than 18 months previous, artwork must be resubmitted.)
Step 3
Send your complete order* with the P.O. number in the subject line to
Need promotional products fast? SureShip® delivers!
CFDFpromo’s trusted service is now available for your favourite clothings products. SureShip® service provides next day shipping on branded apparel.
Fixed Criteria to Qualify for SureShip®
Cut off time for all SureShip® orders is 5pm EST and orders must be emailed to
First to last column quantity (End of 2nd column maximum quantity for apparel)
One standard location only (no impact locations)
No personalization (names or other designs)
NOT qualified Decoration methods: digital print for drinkware, full color for JournalBooks, embroidery with new art, custom labels and transfer.
Multi-color decoration is limited to digital print (no multiple spot colors)
Up to 10 drop shipments without special packaging.
No paper proof or pre-production samples will be produced. Your layout will need to be submitted
Shipping method must be UPS
No pickup order
Other restrictions may apply
*Complete orders include all required information, approved artwork and approved credit.
Feel free to contact us for more info or for help in the preparation of your order.
Additional Notes
SureShip is available for $95.00
Microsoft Office programs (Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.) are not graphics programs and will not be recognized as usable art.
Standard column pricing applies.
No less-than-minimum orders
No special handling (inserts, etc)
Face Coverings are excluded
CFDFpromo reserves the right to remove an order from production if artwork or DST file supplied is deemed to be sub-standard quality.
Account must be in good standing.
Frequently asked questions
- What is SureShip®?
- Next-day turn for qualifying orders with an associated fee.
- What is the fee?
- $95 in Canada.
- How do I know whether an order qualifies?
- Look for the SureShip® icon on the product page. Other factors may affect whether an order qualifies, including decoration method.
- My artwork is not ready for production. Can it still be used for a SureShip® order?
- No. For example, if your art needs to have a tagline removed or be converted to Illustrator format, the order will not qualify for SureShip®.
- Is it possible to get a paper proof or pre-production sample for a SureShip® order?
- No
- Is there a limit on imprint locations?
- SureShip® orders can only have one imprint location – with the exception of umbrellas, which can have two panels imprinted.
- Are drop shipments available with SureShip®?
- Yes. You can do up to 10 drop shipments.
- Do gift sets qualify?
- Yes. One imprint location per item.
- Can products originating from different CFDF Promo facilities be combined for a SureShip® order?
- No.
- What other common factors disqualify an order for SureShip®?
- Non-standard imprint locations; Perfectly Packaged orders; self-promos and spec samples; less-than-minimum orders; orders with special inserts or handling; orders with 3D imprint methods.